Hasbro designer Evan Brooks has shared two behind the scenes posts for the newly revealed Studio Series...
Allspark News
July 16, 2024
It’s Amazon Prime Day, and you know what that means! …wait, what? We’re not supposed to get...
TFSource News – Legacy Tidal Wave, Magnificent Mecha, threezero, Adamas Machina Rodimus & More!
2 min read
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We have a newsletter from TFSource.
Takara have updated their website to showcase the first entry in the Adamas Machina segment of their...
BBTS News: Cosmic Legions Sale, Tamashii Nations, Garfield, Mythic Legions, Pokemon, JJBA and more!
2 min read
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Hasbro has revealed this year’s SDCC exclusives. For Transformers, we have the Fractured Friendship 2-pack, another IDW...
We have a newsletter from BigBadToyStore.