What do you get when you cross a Trans Am, a jet engine, and a… microcasette recorder (plus a whole load of other stuff)?
You get Soundwave as the Dreadnok Thunder Machine in the newest Transformers Collaborative G.I. Joe x Transformers offering, of course!
We’ve talked about it in this space before, of course, but now Hasbro Pulse has uploaded a whole bevy of new promotional — nay, let’s call these for what they are — glamour shots of all the figures from the set in action!
Have a look and see for yourself!
Now, doesn’t that just make you want one of these sets more than ever? I know I do!
And if I had $99.99 USD to drop on this glorious piece of kit, I could do so right now by heading on over to Hasbro Pulse, where orders are open right now!
Huge thanks to Magnusblitz, Citizen and Active Member of our forums, for bringing this to our attention there! And if you’d like to talk about this, speak in your best faux-Aussie accent, or just debate over whether that’s a hood or Zartan’s hair, then head over to the “Transformers Collaborative thread (TMNT Party Wagon)” thread in our forums.
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