

Oh no, the original series with Trevor. I cancelled Netflix, but I'm marathoning the original on Bluray. First season of Nocturne won't hit bluray until October 8 according to Amazon.


So I got sesons 3 and 4 on Bluray last night. I also got a couple new games, So hopefully I don't get distracted too much from continuing my marathon. I'm still working on Season 2.

This is the old Trevor series I'm talking about btw. How many seasons does the new series have now?


I think I'm just going to have to rewatch all of season 3. I remember absolutely nothing of it!

Damn! That's the most ******* up thing I've ever seen...and I watched Event Horizon.

I think I'm going to need something lighthearted before starting season 4.


Uh, is the auto-censor on the fritz? I had to manually edit that.


Okay, a minute and a half into season 4. Is it just me or did the animation get a bump as time went on? I mean, it was pretty good in season one, but dang! These skeletons look awesome!


Okay, I just finished Season 4. I must say, it's a lot easier to follow the story when you're not waiting several months between seasons. But I have to say, Trevor surviving was a complete ass-pull.

Also, knowing I was coming to the end of the first series soon, I went ahead and restarted my subscription to Netfli. I'm only doing the $6 with ads because (and I hate that I'm old and crotchety enough to say this) money doesn't grow on trees.

But I think I'll probably start watching Nocturne sometime soon. But first I really need to pee.


That's Order of Ecclesia beaten. Dracula was rough. Had to find a video on YouTube to show me how to cheese it and it still took a crap ton of restoratives. But that's the Dominus Collection beaten. Though I'm sure I'll still play each game just as a "walk around and kill things for shits and giggles" type thing. But I don't think I'll be too inclined to do the final bosses again.

I tried to start Nocturne last night but fell asleep unfortunately. I'll try again though. Yesterday was just kinda low energy.


So these arrived just now.


The game itself I got from eBay. The case is from

The case wasn't supposed to be here until Wednesday, so I'm so, so happy that they both arrived today.

Of course I could already play it on the mini-SNES and the Konami Collection. But there's just something about having the original in hand.

As for's just not hitting right. I went through 4 episodes and it was just not grabbing me for several reasons. So I don't think I'll be continuing with it.


Okay, I know I just posted, but I just realized, I've done ranking lists on...just about everything. So I feel kind of honor bound to do this one as well.

Also, when trying to post this, it seems I exceeded the maximum number of allowed characters. Guess I'll have to break it up between posts.

Played on - NES, NES-mini, Switch

Well, this one here's the OG. I grew up with this. Back in the day where I didn't have my own money and I had to depend on my parents to buy my games, or rent them as was more often the case, this was one of the few NES games that I actually owned when I was a kid. I think I may have made it past the third level once. Usually I just kinda stopped after beating Medusa in level 2. I never beat it, but there was no denying this was a large part of my childhood.

Rating A

Castevania II: Simon's Quest
Played on - NES-mini, Switch

I think I may have rented this once or twice. I have no real memories of this though aside from it having its share in Nintendo Power page space. I played it some when I got the NES-mini, but I can't say I really enjoyed it. It wasn't quite as open as later "Metroidvania's" nor was it as linear as the "classic" Castlevania play style. It was it's own thing. It was also the epitome of a game simply made to sell subscriptions to Nintendo Power and make kids call the Nintendo Counselors. Angry Video Game Nerd may have been playing a role and doing a bit, but that doesn't make his criticism in any way wrong.

But this is the game that first introduced us to "Bloody Tears." So I guess I can't really give it an F.

Rating D (and the only thing keeping it from being an F is "Bloody Tears")

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Played on - Switch

I never got to play this until I got the Konomi Collection for Switch. It feels a lot like the original Castlevania, only on steroids. And while I didn't get really far because...holy crap this thing is hard...I do like the idea of being able to switch to a sub character. This game did so much for the Castlevania lore, introducing the first Belmont that wasn't Simon, introducing the Belnades, Dynasty and Alucard. If not for this game, I doubt Julius Mode in Dawn of Sorrow would be what it is.

I haven't gotten very far though because this game is punishingly difficult. Whereas I can usually get a decent way through the third level on the original Castlevania, I have trouble even getting through the second level on this. And sure, it's easy enough to say "get good." But I'm simply stating why any rating I give it should be taken with a huge grain of salt. I just haven't played far enough to make a fair judgement. Still, knowing how much of an influence this game had on the story and future games, I still have to rate it fairly high.

Rating A

The Castlevania Adventure
Played on - Switch

I'm trying to keep in mind that this was a game for the original Game Boy. At the time, to get anything remotely like a console game on a portable system was amazing. We're talking about the days of Tiger handhelds. So I'm drying to be kind. But the black and white low res graphics or hard to look at. The movement is so sluggish that the original Castlevania feels like smooth silk by comparison (side note, the original game was not smooth silk). It was just kinda messy. Still, for an on-the-go game at that time...

Rating C

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
Played on - Switch

Again, this suffers simply for being a Game Boy game. Now I know how hypocritical that can be when I still have great love for Zelda Links Awakening and Metroid II. But where it feels like those games really milked the system for all it was worth, these Castlevania Games are just not as good. But this one does play less stiff than the first Game Boy game. The graphics are also slightly better. It plays better than the previous game. But being on the same collection as Castlevania 1-4 as well as Bloodlines, all I can think while play this is that I'd rather be playing one of those other games.

Rating C+

Castlevania Legends
Played on - Switch

Ugh! I really wanted to like this one. I really did. In a game series that mostly has male leads, It was a bit of a curiosity to have a main protagonist that was a woman. Maria and Shanoa didn't come until later and Sypha was a token female among three other male characters...who was even referred to as "him" in Nintendo Power. So Sonia was a nice way to mix things up.

But the graphics are even worse than the original Castlevania Adventure. There were some stupid dead-ends and gotcha traps. I never made it past the first level because it was just such an unpleasant slog to try and play through.

I'd love to see Sonia Belmont make it into some other media being the only female Belmont ever to be playable. But as for this game...

Rating C-

Super Castlevania IV
Played on - SNES, SNES-mini, Switch

Okay, here's where I'm going to have to admit some bias. I much prefer the Metroidvania style games over the linear, timed corridors. It's just my play style. It's probably the only reasons why 1 and 2 are stuck with an A rating. I'm afraid this one suffers from the same bias.

The graphics are beyond compare. Like seriously, as much as I like the Metroidvania games, I'll dare to say that none of them have quiet matched the graphics of this one, not even Symphony of the Night. This also has an unmatched freedom of movement. You can whip diagonally. You an do a dangle whip type thing. You can crouch-walk. The control is simply impeccable.

This is absolutely the best of the classic timed-corridor Castlevania's. The one and only thing I have against this at all is the fact that I prefer the Metroidvania's over the timed-corridor gameplay.

You know what...hug it. Hug my bias. This deserves it.

Rating S
Last edited:


Castlevania Dracula X
Played on - Wii U, Switch

So here's a thing. Taken on it's own with no outside influence, this game is not terrible. I mean, as I'm sure you're probably starting to be able to tell, I've never actually beaten a Castlevania game that wasn't a Metroidvania game, which means I haven't beaten this. But from what little I have played, in a vacuum, it's honestly not that bad.

But it's impossible to really grade this thing in a vacuum, isn't it? Because the simple fact is, this will never be anything more than a piss-poor remake of Rondo of Blood. You can't even call it a port because there is so much from Rondo that simply isn't here. I guess the SNES just couldn't handle it. Now Rondo never came stateside until a PSP release. Which correct me if I'm wrong, didn't that have to be unlocked and even then is was a total remake and not the original Rondo? So the only true stateside releases came with the Castlevania Requiem collection that was exclusive to PS4/PS5. Point being, Dracula X was the closest the west was going to be able to get for a long time.

So where does that put this. In a vacuum, it really isn't that terrible. But everyone knows that it is nothing more than a really bad remake of Rondo of Blood and if you have a choice between this or Rondo.

Rating C-

Castlevania Bloodlines
Played on - Genesis-mini, Switch

So again, here's a bit of bias. I was on the Nintendo side of the console wars. So I never even played this until much later as part of several different Genesis Collections as well as the Konami Castlevania Collection. For me, it's hard to see this as anything but Sega's answer to Castlevania IV on the SNES. Like, Sega couldn't get Turtles in Time, so they got Hyperstone Heist. They couldn't get Super Castlevania IV, so they got Bloodlines.

It's a serviceable Castlevania game. It's another corridor-crawl...and you know my bias when it comes to corridorvania vs. metroidvania. On the plus side, you have a choice between two different protagonists: John Morris (which I guess means the original Dracula Novel is now canon to Castlevania continuity) and Eric Lecarde. It's a decent game. Having (mostly) gotten over the whole Nintendo fanboy side of myself that came from living through the console wars, I can appreciate this game on its own merits.

I don't think anything will ever match the sheer graphic beauty of Castlevania IV as well as the unmatched control you have over Simon Belmont. But Bloodlines is a perfectly good Castlevania for those who like the corridorvania games.

Rating A-

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Played on - PS3, PS4, PS5

Well now here we have the first of the Metroidvania games. The PS3 version was a direct port of the PS1 game, meaning it has the classic "what is man" translation. Meanwhile the Requiem collection for PS4/PS5. Which is better to have? The original PS1 version had bad translations and bad acting. It was bad, but it was cheesy fun. Everyone knows about the "miserable little pile of secrets" translation much like the "This guy are sick." So when a later version comes out and "corrects" this translation with a more accurate and (slightly) better acted redo of the line, is the "better" reading really better?

But enough of that. What about the game itself? Well, the graphics are awesome. The gameplay is awesome. Playing as Alucard is awesome. Having modes to unlock where you can play as Richter Belmont or Maria Renard is also a nice bonus. It's hard to say anything but that I had a lot of fun with this.

If I had to get into negatives I guess there are a couple. In order to use items such as potions, you have to actually equip the item, use it and then re-equip your weapon. This is not optimal and is done way better in later games. Also, when you dye, it takes forever to get back to the main menu so you can try again.

But aside from those two quibbles, which I guess will necessarily nock down the rating just a peg, this game is absolutely fabulous. And being the start of the whole Metroidvania side of the Castlevania games, I absolutely love this game.

Rating A+

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Played on - PS4, PS5

Well, here's another corridor Castlevania. I was able to save Maria. But I ran into a brick wall with the third level. I absolutely could not get past it. Like, with the Metroidvania games, if I run into a brick wall, I can go do other things until I level up enough to give things another try. Corridorvania the only thing you can do is bang your head against the wall and hope at some point you can "get gud." Well, I couldn't "get gud." I pretty much had to hang it up.

I know I'm going to catch hell for this because for a lot of people, this is one of the best Castlevania's ever. I will keep in mind that I do like Richter and Maria with their play styles and playing as them in SotN as well as PoR are a real treat. But unfortunately, when it came to this game, I just couldn't get far.

Rating A-

Played on - N64

Well, to be honest, I like the 3D Castlevania's even less than I like the corridorvanias. And this one in particular was a hot mess. Now granted, this was in the early days of 3D gaming where platforming and camera (control) was still being figured out. But this was just bad.

But I could probably forgive everything from N64 graphics, N64 control, N64 camera...if not for one thing. That damn nitro bit. You jump, you die. You take damage, you die. You run into those motorcycle skeletons that are faster and more maneuverable that you, you die. Hug this game. Hug it, hug it, hug it.

Rating F


Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Played on - Game Boy Advance, Switch

The first time I played this, it was on the Gameboy Advance. My Advance was not back-lit. Needless to say, I didn't get far into this. It was dark. It was hard to see. It was borderline unplayable. It was heartbreaking because it had been so long since I'd played a Castlevania game. At this point, I think my last Castlevania game might have been Super Castlvania IV (which I only ever rented) or maybe the N64 one which I think I also only rented and was thoroughly unimpressed. This would be the first Castlevania I actually bought since the original Castevania 1 on the NES...and it was a dark, unpleasant, mess. A backlit screen would've helped, but that wasn't the Advance model I had at the time.

Many years later I played it on the Switch with the Advance collection. In the interim, I've played a lot more fun Castlevania games like Aria/Dawn of Sorrow as well as the other DS games. So knowing how fun these games were and remembering how much of a disappointment Circle of the Moon was, I was hesitant to get back into this title.

Well who knew!? Playing it on a screen where you can actually see what's going on makes a huge difference. I'm afraid by the time I finally got to playing this on the Switch, I was already spoiled by the DS games (which are my top-tier all-time favorites). So when I went into this one, I knew nothing was going to top them.

But I was surprised by how much fun it was. I actually played it through to completion. The card system was good (though I did kinda need an online guide for it). The gameplay was good. The atmosphere was good. I really enjoyed this one.

Original Advance version with no back-lit screen - D
Switch Version where I could see what was going on - B

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
Played on - Game Boy Advance, Switch

So remember how I said Circle of the Moon was a dark, hard to see mess on the Advance because the the screen wasn't backlit? Well, Konami learned their lesson a little too well and went way far in the other direction with this one. But honestly, that wasn't a huge problem as far as I'm concerned. What really got me is kinda hard to explain.

It's hard to say I hated the upside-down castle mechanic when I gave Symphony of the Night such a glowing review. It's hard to say I hated the backtracking when I also the Metroidvania games are favorite. So why did I hate these aspects so much in this one?

I think part of it might be that even though SotN also had an upside-down castle, to my admittedly aging recollection, once you were done with the right-side-up area, you didn't have to keep switching between the two. You could pretty much stay on one map and figure out where you were supposed to go. Meanwhile here, not only was there a lot of backtracking, there were two whole maps of "where the hug am I supposed to go." in the other metroidvania games, you could typically look at the map and see one of maybe a few places where there is an unfilled piece of map where there might be something to do. was just too much.

I think the most damning thing I can say about this game is...I tried playing it on Advance and I tried playing it on the Switch. It is the only Metroidvania Castlevania I never completed.

Rating - F

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Played on - Game Boy Advance, Wii U, Switch

I actually didn't play this one until after playing Dawn of Sorrow (I'll explain later). After playing Dawn of Sorrow on my backlit DS, it was kind of odd taking a backwards step to the Advance again to play another Castlevania. But I'm glad I did. Soma and company are my absolute favorite Castlevania crew. I love the soul system. To this day, the Sorrow games are my absolute favorite Castlevania games. To this day, it's hard to say which one I like more, Dawn or Aria. Even though it's a step back from DS graphics and added quality of life bits, this still has so many great features and moments.

Rating S

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Played on - DS, Switch

After the dissapointment of Circle of the Moon on an Advance with no back-lit screen, I was out of Castlevania for quite a while. The other two Advance games I didn't play until after finishing this one. It was after playing this one that I got back into playing Castlevania. Circle of the Moon was my first attempt since the SNES to get back into Castlevania. Dawn of Sorrow was the success. It was because of this game that I got so interested in Soma's story that I had to find Aria of Sorrow for the Advance. It's what led me to by the Advance Castlevania Double Pack that included Harmony and Aria.

If I had to find fault with this game, yeah...the glyph system. I could have done without that. But with everything else being so perfect and this being the game that got me back into Castlevania, I just can't bring myself to let even the glyph system knock this down much in my eyes.

Also, having a Julius Mode where you can switch between a Belmont, a Belnades and Alucard like Castlevania II on steroids doesn't hurt things either.

This game got me back into Castlevania after a hiatus that lasted since Castlevania IV on the SNES.

Rating S

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Played on - DS, Switch

I really only got this because I loved Dawn of Sorrow so much. In fact, DoS got be back into Castlevania so hard that I bought this before I knew anything about it. All I knew was that it was the next Castlevania game.

Did it live up to Dawn? Well, did any Zelda game ever really live up to Ocarina of Time until Breath of the Wild came out? Same story. Nothing was going to live up to Dawn of Sorrow in my eyes. But Portrait of Ruin was a very close second after the tie between Dawn and Aria at number 1. I hadn't played Bloodlines at this point and I hadn't really even done more than watch the Bram Stokers Dracula movie once or twice before this. So the Morris family name did little to ring any bells. Still, I like Jonathan and Charlotte. I love the mechanics of switching between the two and even having both on screen at once. It is a really fun game. Also unlocking a mode with Richter and Maria doesn't hurt things either.

Rating S

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Played on - DS, Switch

The first time I played it, I don't think I appreciated the difficulty spike after the relatively laid back difficulty of Dawn and Portrait. I also didn't like how all of the sections were more linear until you finally opened things up in the Castle. At the time when I first played this, it was probably my least favorite of the DS games.

However, playing it again on Switch, I actually liked fighting throughs the difficulty. And even though I didn't mind the more anime art style of the previous games like some people seemed to, I have to admit that the gothic aesthetic does work very well here. And if Sonia being a female protagonist was the only good thing I could come up with for Legends, you just know that I'm going to have to give Shanoa some love.

And while I was concerned before playing this that all of her attacks would be using MP, I have to admit that Konami pulled it off very well. I have a hard time considering whether I like the souls or the glyph system more to be honest.

Rating S

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Played on - PS3

I just didn't enjoy this. I played God of War. I played Dante's Inferno. So many beat 'em ups around this time seemed to either play like God of War or Devil May Cry. No beat 'em up around this time could seem to get away from these two styles. And this just felt like more of the same. I'll admit, it didn't take long before I called it quits because of this. In fact, it could quite easily be said that I didn't give it a fair shake before giving up on it and I wouldn't be able to disagree. But I just really couldn't get into it. wasn't as back as 64.

Rating D

Haunted Castle
Played on - Switch

Meh. Just meh. It had better graphics than the 8-bit games, but worse game play. It was just bad. I mean, like, sure it's an arcade game. Arcade games by their very nature are designed to be so hard that you die a lot and have to pump in more quarters. But most arcade games have the sense to be fun and to at least let you get far enough that you feel like you're making some sort of progress with each quarter. This was just bad .

Rating - F

Haunted Castle Revisited
Played on - Switch

They tried to take a broken arcade game and make it worth playing. And for the most part, they succeeded. This is a lot better than Haunted Castle. Still, in a collection with the DS games, I just couldn't shake the feeling while playing this that I'd rather be playing those games.

Rating C


This is how a unicorn comments
Also, having a Julius Mode where you can switch between a Belmont, a Belnades and Alucard like Castlevania II on steroids doesn't hurt things either.
You meant to say Castlevania 3 ( III )

Well you know what? I'm bored. So I'll follow suit and make my own list like this!

Played on - NES/ GBA Port

My first Castlevania game. Beat it once. Played it a ton of times. I seem to be a bit better then Caldwin at it. I believe I usually got to after the Mummy bosses and I think I'd run out of time? Or maybe I'd get to Death? I can't remember. Still it holds up.

Rating A

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Played on - NES

I did NOT hate this as much as Caldwin, but I think it's because I had a guide when playing. It's not a great game, but the ability to go around and explore areas was really cool to me. Especially since I had played Metroid 2 before this. Still I completely get the dislike of this game.

Rating C

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Played on - NES

Caldwin steel yourself. You still have no idea how hard this game will be. I'm talking fighting a boss where there is no floor. Just a few blocks to stand on. I beat it with Sypha as my partner. Mainly because I knew who they were and wanted that ending. Though honestly I think they make the game easier with their spells anyway. (And yes I beat it)

Rating A+

Super Castlevania IV
Played on - SNES

I love this game. I sometimes just like to look up a video of the prologue on this game and listen to that sweet BGM. My favorite of the classic series. I wish so much we'd get another game where you got THIS level of whip control. Why was it ONLY this game Konami? Why!?
Fun dumb fact. I found out that the game gets harder when you play through it and then play again. I legit thought if I beat it on 'hard mode' I'd get a new ending so I indeed played through the entire game again. Spoiler you don't get another ending.

Rating S (Yeah I agree with Caldwin.)

Castlevania Bloodlines
Played on Genesis (Yes I own an original cart)

Never beat this one, but I like what I've played. Eric is fun to mess around with. Haven't actually beaten this one though. So it's rating is maybe a B. I'll give it a proper one someday once I've beat it.

Rating TBD (To be determined)

Dracula X
Never got to play it. Only now have access to it thanks to the Castlevania collection. I'll check it out someday.

Rating TBD

Castlevania Chronicles
Played on - PS1

Only messed around with this a little bit. From what I'm told it's basically like Castlevania 1 just upgraded and you can get a herb sub weapon that refills your life.
My only regret is I only have the disc. Not the jewel case.

Rating TBD

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Played on - The Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles for PSP

I played the updated 3D graphics for this one. It's a pretty good classic Castlevania game, with some nice exploration, and playing as Maria is pretty fun. I beat it with both her and Richter.

Rating A+

I believe that does it for the classic games.


This is how a unicorn comments
Okay so before we get into the portable stuff. I'll get the big one out of the way:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Played on PS1/PSP/Xbox 360/PS4

I've played through this game so...SO many times. I have like one trophy left to get on PS4. I think I got all the achievements for 360.
I have an actual physical CD soundtrack for it. I just love the game. Even with its early series issues, I just don't have a problem with that. They are too minor to knock down the rating. I desperately want to get the Saturn version to play through the extra areas.

Rating None other than an S of course.

The Portable stuff:

Castlevania Adventure
Played on Gameboy/Super Gameboy

Never got too far in it. Never beat it. I want to. It's just a bit clunky being on the gameboy. Yeah they just didn't quite get it right. I wish SO BADLY that I could play the Rebirth version of this on the Wii, but I didn't manage to get it, and now my only option would be to buy a Wii with the game already on there. >_<

Rating TBD

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
Played on Gameboy/Super Gameboy

I've heard it's better than the first one, and it does seem to have some quality-of-life tweaks, but again I've never actually played all the way through. I think I got farther in this one though.

Rating TBD

Castlevania Legends
Played on Gameboy/Super Gameboy

The only game we'll have get Sonia Belmont as this game's story has been declared noncanon. I know I've tried it out, but I couldn't tell you much about it.
As for another game with her though, you could always go find the dump of the unfinished Dreamcast game she stars in.

Rating TBD

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Played on - GBA SP/ DS

The card system was alright. I remember getting to an arena area and having problems. I did finally complete the map and then the game. It's not bad, but yeah not easy to see if you aren't playing the switch port, or have a GBA SP. (Or the GBA player for the Gamecube, which I do have) I honestly just don't recall much of this one, so it didn't stick.

Rating: C

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
Played on - GBA SP/ DS

Honestly I like this one. I like the way you can use different spell effects like ice or fire to change how a sub weapon works. I only ever had one instance where I couldn't figure out where to go. It was bad that it was basically just one door I hadn't gone through, but after that it was fine. I even somewhat remember the story.

Rating B

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Played on - GBA SP/ DS / Collection on Switch

And here we come to my favorite. I love Soma so much. I love the mechanic of gaining souls and getting abilities. It's a wonderful game.

Rating S

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Played on - DS with Aria in the GBA slot for the Mina doll and the Rare ring.

Better graphics, a neat synthesize system to put souls in weapons. It's only knock is the seal system. I need to get the Dominos collection to fix that.

Rating S-

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Played on - DS

Weird story about this. I thought I lost it for a while only to find out it fell into a couch and I got it back like a year later. As for the actual game, it's been a while since I played it but I do know I enjoyed it.

Rating A

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Played on - DS/3DS

So it's definitely a unique battle system, but I do think it's rather good. Played through the game once, but never beat it again because of one major issue.

An issue that is: "I'm an idiot, but I can't help myself."

So there is a thing in this game where if you beat a boss and never get hit once, it gives you a medal. I'm determined to get all the medals. Sadly on hard I can't get past
and on normal a shadow boss. Still it's a really good game.

Rating A+

Castlevania Lords of Shadow: - Mirror of Fate
Played on 3DS

Only played a chunk of it, but it's not bad. Solid B probably. Can't say too much yet as I never got around to beating it.

Rating TBD

That's it for the portable stuff!


This is how a unicorn comments
The 3D games.

Castlevania 64
Played on - N64

Okay yes the Nitro part sucks, but it's a small section of the game, I can't bring the entire experience down THAT much from it.

Though it is stupid that for the chemicals to actually mix and WORK you HAVE to talk to the blue fishman in that one lone room. Like when I first played the game I thought it was just some invincible enemy and ran away from him. How are you supposed to know it's an NPC?! It's only by sheer CHANCE he caught me to show that no, he talks to you.

Other than that issue, which yes it's a major issue, the rest of the game is pretty solid. I have no issues adapting to the camera. I feel the controls are just fine, and I love the story. At least I love Reinhardt Schneider's story. Rose is a tragic character who gets a nice reward at the end of the game. All in all I still like to boot this up and play it from time to time. I only every played through Carrie's story once. Doesn't click with me as well, but it's not bad.

Also the Death fight in this game is top notch!

Rating B+

Castlevania Legacy of Darkness
Played on N64

Basically Castlevania 64 2.0.

I do enjoy the new stages, and it's nice having a couple of new playable characters. However the problem with Cornell is to turn into a werewolf you have to hit a certain button. (I forget which) You'll then become a werewolf and it burns through your red gems to stay in that form. EXCEPT YOU CAN'T TURN IT OFF.

How did you bungle the game that badly? Being able to go werewolf and back should have been like game design 101. It's just horrible. You basically only use it for tough boss fights and can't have fun otherwise, because then you'd have to grind out red gems again and pray you don't accidently transform. >_<

Rating B-

Castlevania Lament of Innocence
Played on PS2

I rather like this game. It's not amazing, but the story is solid, the battle system is good. The bosses neat. Even an extra playable character to unlock who can psychic move swords. I recommend!

Rating B+

Castlevania Curse of Darkness
Played on PS2

I sadly didn't get far in this game. You just move around way too slow. I never got very far. :(

Rating TBD

Castlevania Lords of Shadow
Played on Xbox 360

I liked it enough to track down the limited edition case. It's a pretty good game. Not your typical Castlevania sure, but honestly I had a great time with it.

Rating A

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
Played on Xbox 360

Didn't get that far in it, but I liked what I saw. Might have changed though as I hear there are plenty of stealth sections that suck. One day I might find out.

Rating TBD

Now it's time for the weird/other section of this list!

Castlevania Judgement
Played on - Nintendo Wii

It's not a great fighting game, but I still had fun. Aeon is probably one of the favorite Castlevania characters too. Sadly he's only in this.

Rating C+

Castlevania Harmony of Despair
Played on - Xbox 360

Ah the days when this first game out and had players. I mained as Soma, and got two of the crissaegrim for him to weild.

The irritating thing was I could NOT get the winged boots to drop, and when I tried to farm the Puppet Master boss to get the thief ring to drop, (It's supposed to make getting rare stuff easier from drops)

I then proceeded to grind him and never once saw the stupid thief ring. Meanwhile people playing WITH me get like three to drop. But me? Nope.

Otherwise it was a neat concept and I loved it for what it was.

Rating C+

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Played on PS4

Let's face it, these are basically Castlevanias. The first curse of the moon is a bit basic, but still a solid platformer.

Rating B

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2
Played on PS4

Played co-op through this and the multiple paths and things to find, upgrades to get are all rather fun. Would play with a friend again.

Rating A

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

This is basically a bit of SOTN with Aria/Dawn stuff thrown in there. It's very fun and I loved it.

Rating A+

And that's all the Castlevania's I've played. If you don't see it listed here. I didn't play it.

Now... don't do this with MegaMan... I'd be here for a looooooooooong while.


*goes to Mega Man thread*


Guess I should say more. I have played the first Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon, but never finished it. I wasn't sure about including it on the above list since it didn't actually have the name of Castlevania. But you are right. It's basically Castlevania in all but name. I totally agree. It's pretty badic, but still solid. I'll give it a B as well.
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I saw today that Bloodstained Ritual of the Night was free with my PS+ account. It is a lot prettier than Curse of the Moon. I've only played it for an hour, but it does feel exactly like the Castlevania I love.'m probably going to have to sink some time into this.

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