Transformers Legacy toyline


Continuity Nutcase
Have Hasbro buy DinoZaurs from Bandai (since Bandai is just sitting on that property doing nothing with it and letting it rot) and do a complete reboot of that series (with better writing) as part of the Transformers brand. Boom! A full cast of completely different characters from the norm but with that familiar Beast Wars-esque feel.


Another babka?
Have Hasbro buy DinoZaurs from Bandai (since Bandai is just sitting on that property doing nothing with it and letting it rot) and do a complete reboot of that series (with better writing) as part of the Transformers brand. Boom! A full cast of completely different characters from the norm but with that familiar Beast Wars-esque feel.
Allosaurus is my favourite dinosaur and has been since I was a kid. I've been waiting YEARS of a Sentai/Power Rangers or Transformers robotic Allosaurus and it's been nothing but broken dreams so... YES PLEASE


Well-known member
Allosaurus is my favourite dinosaur and has been since I was a kid. I've been waiting YEARS of a Sentai/Power Rangers or Transformers robotic Allosaurus and it's been nothing but broken dreams so... YES PLEASE



Continuity Nutcase
Allosaurus is my favourite dinosaur and has been since I was a kid. I've been waiting YEARS of a Sentai/Power Rangers or Transformers robotic Allosaurus and it's been nothing but broken dreams so... YES PLEASE
Unfortunately, there was no Allosaurus featured in DinoZaurs either.


Wondering bot
this is why we need to move away from g1. start fresh with a new leader.

That is VERY hard as Optimus prime & Megatron are two of the most iconic characters and taking them out, is not going to generate Hasbro or takara, money, but maybe having them be more advisory role or secondary characters in a show would work, maybe tell a story where Optimus is the surpeme commander and he cannot lead every mission but being the surpeme commander, he apoints another bot, say for example: Metalhawk to handle things, the war is raging on mutable fronts and say Earth is just one battlefield of many spread across the galaxy! While on the con side, Megatron in a similar procession, yet he also going to battlefields personally, at least the ones that interst him the most, while others could be handled by lower level officers, say Straxis for example and those officers have their own personal goals, thus the Decepticons could be a sort of allience of powerful dangerous bots, yet Megatron is deemed the most dangerous and powerful of them all with the characters of a leader to back it up, unlike say Starscream, who so obcessed with taking control of the Decepticons, if he achived his wish, the allience, falls apart as the other elite officers, such as Zarak or Deathsaurus, view him as a weak fool, and chose not to follow him, so the resources are limited to him!


Another babka?
Sadly no toy.

Unfortunately, there was no Allosaurus featured in DinoZaurs either.
You're right. I was confusing DinoZaurs with Dinosaucers


Well-known member
That is VERY hard as Optimus prime & Megatron are two of the most iconic characters and taking them out, is not going to generate Hasbro or takara, money,
I feel like at this point the kids and collectors-aimed toylines are distinct enough that Hasbro could probably get away with leaving them out of the kids' line for a year or two.

There'll always be a new G1-with-movable-fingers animation-model-accurate Optimus Prime on shelves; let Elita-1 or Springer or Metalhawk headline the cartoon.


Wondering bot
I feel like at this point the kids and collectors-aimed toylines are distinct enough that Hasbro could probably get away with leaving them out of the kids' line for a year or two.

There'll always be a new G1-with-movable-fingers animation-model-accurate Optimus Prime on shelves; let Elita-1 or Springer or Metalhawk headline the cartoon.

With collectors line, sure, I honestly expect not to see many Optimus prime figures next year along with Megatron as we just had a major run of them late, espeically OP and the only OPs we'll see, will likely be repaints of existing figures or reissues, but moving away from them completely, impossible at this point, they tried to do that back in the 80s with the movie, killing off many characters, without truly realising that they were fan favourtes and Rodimus wasn't embraced that well at the time, thou fans have soften to him over time


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Which is why I decided to run.

Remember to vote Donocropolis for Autobot Leader this November. If elected, I promise not to go on a killing spree. One was enough.
There is only ONE clear choice for LEADER, a GUARDIAN of peace throughout the galaxy, but ready to fight against any RENEGADE threats to life and freedom. A dependable BOT that will GO the extra mile to champion fairness and equality amid a cycle of uncertainty. FRIENDLY, even when facing off against ENEMY forces, this candidate will soar above the competition as the next Autobot commander:

Vote Leader-1 for Autobot leader! He's the Prime candidate!

Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
honestly i'd rather hastak just come to the realization that like...they don't have to make the designs of optimus prime and megatron in the kid-aimed line styled after g1 and they can give them unique designs instead

like yeah even if they're not carbon copies of the g1 designs, it's still boring as hell lol


Continuity Nutcase
honestly i'd rather hastak just come to the realization that like...they don't have to make the designs of optimus prime and megatron in the kid-aimed line styled after g1 and they can give them unique designs instead

like yeah even if they're not carbon copies of the g1 designs, it's still boring as hell lol
Such is the bane of Brand Marketing Consistency.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Such is the bane of Brand Marketing Consistency.
Not only that, but the “designers” don’t seem to design anywhere NEAR as much as they used to. Since TF07 and Animated, the various media designs are produced by media artists, who don’t have to concern themselves with issues like “engineering” or “physics”.
Since Siege, Generations has “devolved” into taking existing designs and converting them into the current cost paradigm while also building in “retools” to extend the release viability of those new molds.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Meh, someone's gonna take that up if the opportunity presents itself. At least the trailer's still someone else's problem. It's just such an unnecessary budget complication at this point. (And it seems like an easy enough thing for them to engineer and produce and sell for way more than it's worth once the need is there. And if cost is too high or demand for it is too low to justify them making it, well, that just proves that Hasbro shouldn't bother either.)

Now if it were Armada Prime's trailer, or Rodimus', that's something that arguably should always be part of the main release. But the long gray box with minicar (sometimes) seems like something that just isn't a feasible ask at main retail price points, and so much gets compromised to make it happen at all that it ends up pleasing fewer than it should anyway (I didn't mind either ER or SS trailers, but I can see why some might feel underwhelmed, and boy I've certainly heard enough of that). Spend the money on something better. The Classics Voyager was a solid mold and the trailer wasn't missed; those who DID miss it eventually had ones they could get. And the field is fuller now.

If they're going to keep reusing or recommending the Earthrise trailer, I say just sell the figures by themselves, sell the trailers online (advertise it on or in the box), and occasionally release "special editions" or whatever that have both.

Even the third party option for Classics Prime back in the day didn't do much, aside from that neat mirror trick that I'm pretty sure everyone who had it did once and never again.

...okay, I'm foggy on this one. What?

That is VERY hard as Optimus prime & Megatron are two of the most iconic characters and taking them out, is not going to generate Hasbro or takara, money, but maybe having them be more advisory role or secondary characters in a show would work, maybe tell a story where Optimus is the surpeme commander and he cannot lead every mission but being the surpeme commander, he apoints another bot, say for example: Metalhawk to handle things, the war is raging on mutable fronts and say Earth is just one battlefield of many spread across the galaxy! While on the con side, Megatron in a similar procession, yet he also going to battlefields personally, at least the ones that interst him the most, while others could be handled by lower level officers, say Straxis for example and those officers have their own personal goals, thus the Decepticons could be a sort of allience of powerful dangerous bots, yet Megatron is deemed the most dangerous and powerful of them all with the characters of a leader to back it up, unlike say Starscream, who so obcessed with taking control of the Decepticons, if he achived his wish, the allience, falls apart as the other elite officers, such as Zarak or Deathsaurus, view him as a weak fool, and chose not to follow him, so the resources are limited to him!

Yeah, I've been saying this for years. More leaders!

At least RID15 gave us some semblance of that.


Active member
If they're going to keep reusing or recommending the Earthrise trailer, I say just sell the figures by themselves, sell the trailers online (advertise it on or in the box), and occasionally release "special editions" or whatever that have both.

...okay, I'm foggy on this one. What?

Yeah, I've been saying this for years. More leaders!

At least RID15 gave us some semblance of that.
IIRC it was the "G3" trailer, where the side panels folded out into mirrored/chromed sides, which gave off the illusion that the trailer had gone into subspace.


Another babka?
I feel like at this point the kids and collectors-aimed toylines are distinct enough that Hasbro could probably get away with leaving them out of the kids' line for a year or two.

There'll always be a new G1-with-movable-fingers animation-model-accurate Optimus Prime on shelves; let Elita-1 or Springer or Metalhawk headline the cartoon.
The problem is that the very people who are tired of Optimus and Megs are the diehards- those of us who care enough to find a Transformers message board and post on it. We consume more TF media than most other people, of course there's an outsized subgroup of us tired of the status quo.

But that's not who Hasbro targets their media at. For them it's young kids getting into things for the first time- and therefore aren't tired of OP and Megs- or casual general audience types who know the brand but aren't "in the fandom." To them OP and Megs are the face of Transformers.

And Hasbro is a publicly traded company. If they run a show with Springer leading a team of Autobots against Cyclonus' Decepticons and it doesn't hit projected targets for viewership and/or engagement stock holders will ask "why didn't you make the franchise's two most popular characters the leads?"
That scrutiny doesn't exist if you just use OP and Megs because if a project underperforms with them at least you're not left with the sense that you left money on the table character choice-wise.

honestly i'd rather hastak just come to the realization that like...they don't have to make the designs of optimus prime and megatron in the kid-aimed line styled after g1 and they can give them unique designs instead

like yeah even if they're not carbon copies of the g1 designs, it's still boring as hell lol
I think this is a good compromise, because you get the characters that have that valued Brand Equity but you get some freshness.

Thing is I think this will happen. This stuff is all cyclical. Design, aesthetics, it's all cyclical.
Back in the mid-late 2000s Megatron's design philosophy had bottomed out. His G1 gun look hadn't been viable since the early 90s and since then there had been successive attempts to redefine him. Tanks, dragons, space ships... Cybertron was that creative freedom finally over-saturating with a multi-coloured Batmobile. A colour scheme that was only vaguely Megatron-like and his most uncharacteristic alt mode yet.

After that happened... and I was very much around at the time... having Megatron have some consistency was a breath of fresh air. After all RiD and the UT constantly redesigned OP but he always had consistency. Megs lacked that, and the idea of "Megatron will just be grey with black and red accents like G1 going forward and will mostly but not always be a tank" was seen as a much needed refocusing for the character and to pretend it wasn't celebrated at the time is a bit revisionist.

But that was close to twenty years ago now. We've had Megatron after Megatron who's always shared that same general G1 design and stuff like RiD Megs, or even the final straw of the previous philosophy that was Cybertron Megs seems appealing in retrospect.

And that's natural. After so long of keeping Megatron relatively same-y, we'll start to see some creativity. And then in like twenty five years it'll swing back.

None of this is objective in any way. Art, aesthetics, preferences for both, it's all subjective to the extreme. And what's popular swings from one side to the other constantly.

I think we'll start to see more experimentation with OP and Megs' designs going forward in the next few years.

IIRC it was the "G3" trailer, where the side panels folded out into mirrored/chromed sides, which gave off the illusion that the trailer had gone into subspace.
Yep. FansProjects' G3 trailer. The name came from some people in the fandom calling Classics "G3," as the next iteration of the G1 characters after G2. It wasn't a name that stuck but it was used for that trailer.

Yeah, I've been saying this for years. More leaders!
I think the best way to tackle that would be to expand on Animated's idea of different teams having their own leadership.
You could still have OP and Megs be the "leaders" of their respective factions but establish a few 'bot and 'con teams fighting on different fronts of the war across the galaxy and check in on them every few episodes.
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